Zimbabwe: Mt. Selinda Hospital Outreach Project
Mt. Selinda Hospital is one of the first ministries set up through the United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe. Mt. Selinda Hospital offers a variety of healthcare services and procedures for those living in the region.
Mt. Selinda Hospital continues to face a critical shortage of medical doctors to serve in its different hospital departments. Through seeking ways to incentivize young physicians, Mt. Selinda Hospital and other UCCZ hospitals offer additional pay for physicans, which would provide an increased salary from what the Zimbabwean government provides. The UCCZ continues to welcome support to offer better salaries for physicians at Mt. Selinda Hospital in order to retain doctors and to attract new doctors.
In addition to physician salaries, the hospital is raising funds for a new ambulance. The hospital’s ambulance can no longer be used since the vehicle does not change gears correctly and could put patients in danger. The church has determined it best to replace the vehicle, due to the age of the vehicle, and to search for a new ambulance.
The third priority of the hospital is to improve accommodations for medical staff on the hospital grounds. Currently, the hospital cannot provide accommodations for all staff members, and now several staff members are renting homes in Chako, the nearby village. The church has made plans to refurbish current accommodations and construct new homes for Mt. Selinda medical staff.
Lakewood Congregational Church is raising funds to assist the Mt. Selinda Hospital of the United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe with various coronavirus pandemic related needs. Will you help our church make a bold commitment to God’s mission in the world through contributing to LCC’s project to assist this UCC hospital?
Zimbabwe is a country of about 17 million people bordering South Africa, Mozambique, and Zambia. It has suffered through a declining economy and political leadership challenges in recent years. 74% of the population live on $5.50 or less per day. It has an 89% adult literacy rate, one of the highest in Africa, but is ranked as the 26th poorest country out of 187 countries.
UCC Global Ministries has been working with the United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe (UCCZ) since its founding in 1893. Today, the UCCZ is responsible for many ministries, including schools, children’s homes, hospitals, and health programs in the country. Mt. Selina Hospital is one of the first ministries set up through the United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe. Mt. Selina Hospital offers a variety of healthcare services and procedures for those living in the region.
Money from our campaign will go toward important projects of the hospital including:
· Doctors Salary Top-up program, an important program for maintaining medial staff
· COVID-19 response and preparedness priorities such as distributing Personal Protection Equipment and Awareness Campaign
· Food Security efforts such as agriculture and food basket distributions
· Water Reticulation project, which is important for hygiene and reducing the spread of the virus
· New ambulance, they are raising funds to purchase a new ambulance as a top priority for the hospital, but the cost will be approximately $65,000
The outreach committee has set a goal of $10,000 to provided needed funds for this hospital in southern Africa. Will you send a check to the church with a note of Zimbabwe on it or contribute via PayPal or some other way? Any amount will be helpful from $25 to $2,500.
Know that your donation will help this hospital deal with the pandemic in a country that has so little. A gift allows us to give back to the world through our church. We have so much in the United State and providing assistance to this hospital will strengthen the international work of our congregation and the denomination. Thank you for your support!