Fellowship Activities
Please check our Events Calendar for current Fellowship Activities
Eighth and ninth graders participate in a year-long Confirmation program, led by the Senior Pastor. In addition to learning about the Bible (Old and New Testaments), the history of Lakewood Congregational Church, and the history of the United Church of Christ, the Youth participate in the following “out of church experiences” that serve to enrich their lessons: visits to a Jewish Temple, Islamic Mosque, Catholic Mass, and the Cleveland Museum of Art. The Confirmation class creates a Class Banner of Christian symbols and confirmands present a Statement of Faith paper/project shared at their Confirmation celebration.
LCC Youth Musical
For over 40 years, the children and youth of LCC have put on a musical production for the congregation and community. It is a 3-4 month long commitment to spreading the Good News through music and drama. Productions have included Fiddler on the Roof, Honk! the Musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Beauty and the Beast, and Godspell.
Vacation Bible School
LCC, along with St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, hosts Vacation Bible School each summer for children (members and non-members) ages 4-11. The week-long program is filled with a variety of multi-sensory activities that revolve around a central Biblical theme. For info: https://lcc-church.org/children-youth/faith-formation/
Family Activities
LCC provides families with a variety of worship experiences throughout the year. They range from Advent and Lenten Gatherings to the annual Christmas Pageant/ Holiday Dinner, from “S’More Time with God” to a Jack-o-lantern carving event. The Children’s Faith Formation Team is always coming up with fresh and fun ideas for the families of LCC.
Outreach Activities
LCC has broad array of outreach opportunities for our community. Such programs include: Community Meal, Hunger Sundays, Angel Tree, CLE Diaper Drive, Project Noelle, Martha’s Table, Little Free Library, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Homeless Awareness SleepOut, Greater Cleveland Congregations, and other opportunities. Additional ways to volunteer include serving as Ushers, in the office or as a committee chair.
Adult Activities
There are number of ways adults can connect at LCC. Through our Adult Faith Formation program (discussion and book studies), Pub Theology, Boomer Gals, and Men’s Group.
Women’s Retreat 2024: Registration Form
Online Payment: https://tinyurl.com/LCCWomensRetreat2024