Lakewood Community Services Center

Hunger Sunday – First Sunday of each Month

Since January 1, 2004,  LCC has collected and given to Hunger Ministries in cash and in food value totaling nearly $50,000.   That represents a wonderful accomplishment in our continuing Outreach Ministry. But what is more significant is the many adults and children who have received this assistance in their time of need. We thank you, and Lakewood Community Services Center thanks you!

Jesus said, “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.” “Just as you do this for members of my family you do it to me.” Matthew 25:34-48

The first Sunday of each month is “Hunger Sunday”. Food may be left in the church office or in the baskets located in the West Clifton entrance. Envelopes for cash or check contributions are available in the Worship Bulletin.

All food donations are given to Lakewood Community Services Center, along with excess cash contributions after paying the expenses associated with our own “Community Meals”.

Contributions are accepted in the Church office at any time.

“The Hungers”
(An outreach Ministry of LCC)